This Code of Conduct (the Code)
is intended to serve as an illustrative guide for the Kurdistan Center for International Law (KCIL) staff to have
ethical obligation in their professional duties. this is a moral code that does
not have the force of law. It is designed to assist staff to better understanding the obligations placed upon their conduct by the KCIL bylaw.
The Code is a guide for
accountability in a clear and transparent way to the society, donors, partners
and beneficiaries of our activities, KCIL has decided to compile in a document
the principles that underpin its organization, performance and relationships,
based on transparency, honesty, responsibility and compliance with this Code.
KCIL at large and its staff should:
* Foster an inclusive environment to all diverse groups in Kurdistan.
* Give more space and opportunities to the effected minorities and groups that have been subjected to the human rights violation recently.
* Respect the ethnic, religious, national, and racial symbols of different groups in Kurdistan.
* Avoid offensive expressions toward minorities and different groups.
* Confront the decisions or behaviors of others that are based on conscious or unconscious biases.
International Law Obligation
* Struggle to Integrate the objectives and the mission of the Center with the international law standards.
* Respect all of the international human rights, international humanitarian and international criminal law conventions.
Academic Duties
* Advance the quest for truth, knowledge, scholarship and understanding and personal honesty in learning, teaching and research.
* Respect valid legal norms related to the conduct and publication of research particularly in relations to copyright, the intellectual property rights of third parties, the terms and conditions regulating access to research resources and the laws of libel.
* Make the results of its research widely and freely available and accessible.
*Integrate self-development and service to others, balancing individual and public concerns, focusing on higher, broader levels of public good.
* Conduct activities for the sake of others, whether for the public at large or a particular segment of the public.
* Public properties must not be misused for self-purposes under any circumstances.
* All public assets are to be behaved with utmost seriousness and trustworthy.
* Exhibit a responsible and caring attitude toward the environment in all activities.
Cooperation Beyond Boundaries
* Be willing to work beyond borders of politics, religion, culture, race and ethnicity, within the limits of the organizing documents and with organizations and individuals that share common values and objectives.
Human Rights and Dignity
* Not violate any person’s fundamental human rights, with which each person is endowed, accordance to the international human rights instruments.
* Recognize that all people are born free and equal in dignity.
* Be sensitive to the moral values, religion, customs, traditions, faiths and culture of the communities.
* Respect freedoms.
Transparency and Accountability
* Strive for openness and honesty internally and toward donors and individuals.
* Be transparent in all deals with the government, the public, donors, partners, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders, except for personal matters and proprietary information.
* Basic financial information, governance structure, activities, and partnerships are open and accessible to any audit.
* Make effort to inform the public about its work and the origin and use of its resources.
* Be accountable for actions and decisions, not only to funders and the governments, but to the people it serves, staff and members, partners, and the public at large.
Truthfulness and Legality
* Not engage in any activities that are unlawful under the laws of the countries in which it is organized or works.
* Be strongly opposed to, and not be a willing partner to corruption, bribery, fraud and other financial improprieties or illegalities.
* Meet all legal obligations, communities norms, working environment standards in the countries in which it is organized or works.
* Take prompt corrective actions whenever wrongdoing and misunderstandings are discovered by the staff, bodies, volunteers, contractors, and partners.
* Not be part of, or controlled by, government or an intergovernmental agency.
* KCIL remain neutral, impartial and independent. although it may share a common political or legislative cause within the limit of its mission, political and legislative activity shall only engage within the limit of its mission and stated objectives.
* Remain practicing the political and religious rights to the staff, but not influencing the KCIL.
Conflict of Interest and Misuse of Power
* Any decision regarding the procurement, contracts, partnerships, personnel selection, etc. must be taken in consideration of the KCIL’s interests and strategy. It must consequently be based on solid assessment and never be dictated by direct or indirect personal interests.
* Avoid using position, reputation, and the KCIL’s activities in the course of duties to benefit the personal interests of the staff.
Sexual Harassment
* Avoid practice of sexual exploitation, purchase of sexual services.
* Avoid sexual abuse in return for money, employment, goods, services or any form of simplification.
* Prohibit all sexual relations and any other act of sexual abuse with a child under 18 years.
* Avoid using direct and indirect verbal sexual assault with the people of diversity.
* Respect the characterization of sexual orientation, identity, expression and characteristics.