

  • Presidency of Public Prosecution

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  • The Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs

    The Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs is one of the ministries of the Kurdistan Regional Government and is responsible for protecting the Kurdistan borders and territory.
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  • judicial council of Kurdistan

    The Judicial Council is the highest judicial authority in the KRI and is the third authority in addition to the legislative authority (parliament) and the executive authority (government) and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice of the KRI.
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  • University of Halabja- College of Law and Administration

    The College of Law and Administration was established in 2020 as one of the colleges of the University of Halabja. Initially, it comprised two departments: the Department of Law and the Department of International Trade. The third department of the college, namely Political and International Relations, opened one year later in 2021. Graduates from all three departments will be conferred with bachelor's degrees, while the Law Department, at the master's stage, will grant master's degrees in both public and private law.
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  • Kurdistan Parliament's Research Centre

    Kurdistan Parliament's Research Centre provides research to support the legislative, monitoring and representation work of MPs and strengthen the skills of Parliament's administrative staff. The centre also organizes training for MPs and administrative staff. Research is on political and social affairs, fiscal policies, economics and legislation. The Research Centre was established in Parliament’s third term, and began work on 4th June 2012 on the orders of the Parliament Speaker. 
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  • Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate

    Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate was established in accordance with Law No. (40) of 1998 and amended by Law (40) of 2004, in the Parliament of Kurdistan, and the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate is the only official media agency in the Kurdistan Region, according to the Press Law No. (35) of 2007. Note that the Journalists Syndicate Kurdistan is a member of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).
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  • University of Sulaimani – college of Law

    The college of law is one of the prominent colleges of Sulaimani university established in 1998 that presently includes only the department of law . over the years , the department has produced numerous bachelor of law graduates, regardless of the presence of a higher education department within the college, which has awarded hundreds of higher diplomas, master’s degrees, and doctorates in various law – related fields. زانکۆی سلێمانی – کۆلێجی یاسا
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  • Kurdistan Bar Association

    Kurdistan bar association is established in 1993. It consists of all Kurdistan lawyers and a lot of other regional neighbor lawyers.
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  • College of Law – Salahaddin University, Erbil

    The college of law regarded as one of the significant and essential colleges in the university of Salaheddin. In 1985- 1989 the college was initially established as the result of the ministry decision and was consisted of one department which was department of law.
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  • Soran University - Faculty of Law, Political Science and Management

    In 2007, the Department of Law was established at Faculty of Law. After the Establishment of Soran University in 2009, the Faculty of Law continued independently at Soran University. In 2012, the Department of Law launched master’s studies, followed by doctoral studies in 2016.
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  • Stefanus Alliance International

    Stefanus Alliance International (based in Oslo Norway, founded in 1967). They are a human rights mission organisation, with a special focus on freedom of religion and belief as expressed in 18 of the UN Human Rights Declaration.
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  • German Federal Foreign Office

    The Federal Foreign Office is the foreign ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany, the office agency responsible for both the country's foreign policy and its relationship.
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  • zivik Funding Programme

    The zivik Funding Programme supports civil society actors worldwide in preventing crises, transforming conflicts, and creating as well as stabilizing peaceful social and political systems.
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  • Platform for peace and Humanity

    Platform for Peace and Humanity is a non-profit civic association of young professionals who are dedicated to promoting peace and humanity in the world by means of international law.
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  • Being Free

    Being Free is A non-profit organization that operates independently of any government with a purpose to address the social issue of freedom and independence of individuals, further development of civil community and refinement of persons to aid in the progress of human resources and skills and enhancement of general awareness of issues concerning social justice, democracy, and equal opportunity in public and private sectors
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