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Towards Domesticating International Criminal Law in Kurdistan and preventive measures for Core Crimes

The Kurdistan Center for International Law (KCIL) in cooperation with German Federal Foreign Office's fund via ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) aims to implement the second phase of the project under the title of (Towards Domesticating International Criminal Law in Kurdistan and preventive measures for Core Crimes) in 2023. within the framework of a series of legal activities and raising awareness.

In general, the project`s activity will be divided into six levels, including:

- Raising public awareness by translating documents and conventions related to international criminal law into Kurdish language.
- Through 12 special training courses and workshops, the KCIL is introducing personnel within the judiciary and legislative authority in the KRI with the principles of international criminal law
- Take advantage of the results of KCIL`s research by using them as a reference in the process of providing consultation to parliamentarians during writing new laws, amendmends, and providing local and international expertise to provide scientific guidance in accordance with international law.
- Organizing summer-school camps for law school students to familiarize them with International Criminal law, International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law.
- Preparing Manual of War Crimes for preventing war crimes for the Ministry of Peshmerga of the KRG. To use this procedure, the KCIL organizes a series of training courses for military personnel to develop procedures for preventing war crimes and raise awareness of the consequences of war crimes under international criminal law.
- During the implementation of the project, the KCIL will try to launch training for 10 trainers in cooperation with an International Criminal Law Center.

The project will directly establish a bridge for communication with members of Parliament, judges, prosecutors, academics and representatives of the components of Kurdistan within the framework of its implementation phase. With the aim of further strengthening the project and achieving its strategic objectives, meanwhile, the KCIL only aims to pave the way for this project at this stage and try to increase the capacity of people in the judiciary, legislature, military and experts to raise public awareness. One of the KCIL’s long-term goals is to try to benefit from the capabilities of foreign experts and the future goals of the project, and to draft a bill and direct it to Parliament to create a platform for domesticating international criminal law in the KRI judicial and legislative system.