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The right to freedom of expression

The right to freedom of expression is a right enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. A person's actual, perceived, or hypothetical opinion cannot, under the Covenant, be used as justification for depriving them of their rights. All forms of opinions, whether they be political, scientific, historical, moral, or religious, are protected. Further, being accused of having an opinion does not fall within this right. Harassment or threats and defamation of a person, including: arrest, detention, trial and imprisonment, because of their opinions, is contrary to the principles of this right. 

Moreover, it is forbidden to make any effort to persuade someone to hold a certain opinion. This involves the freedom of opinion, freedom of expression and freedom to change one's mind. All States Parties to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights are obligated to guarantee freedom of opinion and expression. All branches of the government (executive, legislative, and judicial), as well as other public and governmental bodies, are capable of accepting accountability at whatever level they are at, whether it is national or regional.  

The right to freedom of expression which encompasses the right to seek for, receive, and share all types of information and ideas, this freedom encompasses the ability to express one's beliefs to communicate and spread information and ideas of all kinds, including ideas that could be conveyed. The Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that political discourse, statements about public affairs, campaigns, human rights discussions, journalism, cultural and artistic expression, education, and nonviolent religious speech are also protected under this right. It might occasionally contain commercial advertisements. Even a phrase that may be highly unusual for society is included! 

The freedom of expression; It defends all expression forms and distribution channels. Signs, writing, and speech are the shapes. Nonverbal expressions like: pictures, artwork, etc. These are the means of expression: 

Books, newspapers, pamphlets, notices, banners, clothing and legal documents. It also includes audiovisual, electronic and Internet media. 
According to Article 38 of the Iraqi Constitution, it is the responsibility of the state to guarantee freedom of the press, media, broadcasting, assembly, and protest. The same is true of Article 19 of the Kurdistan Region's draft constitution. The right to access information on governmental, social and public works and projects regulated by law in the Kurdistan region is part or complementary to freedom of expression. In essence, the emphasis on this freedom is connected to the notion of democracy. Furthermore, if society is not going to be of one color and one voice, if there are going to be different groups and different views, then the lack of freedom of expression is a sign of oppression. 

To guarantee freedom of expression and opinion, a free, unrestricted media is deemed essential. Without censorship or restrictions, free journalists should comment on public issues and inform the public. Additionally, the state should act as a means of protecting the rights of media users, for instance, it should pay special attention to an independent and diverse media so that people from linguistic and racial minorities can access information and opinions. 

The authorities must take protective measures to defend persons exercising their right to freedom of expression from any harm or repression. An excuse should never be used to prevent advocacy for democracy, multipartyism, political avenues, and human rights. Under no circumstances should anyone be attacked for practicing freedom of opinion or expression. Any attacks, including Arrest, torture and threats to life on the grounds of prohibition of freedom of expression should be prohibited.